Member Resource Toolkit
So you've made the decision to invest in Dawson County Chamber?
The Dawson County Chamber is the place where people come together to do business, to learn, and to make our community a better place. By taking advantage of the resources and tools your Chamber has to offer its members, you not only support a thriving business climate but also enhance the personal value of your investment.
Once you have paid your membership dues, our Membership Director will provide you with the information you need to access the member information center on the Chamber website. Create a profile with up-to-date information so that other Chamber members can get in touch with you and members of our community can connect with your business for goods and services. You may also use the Member Information Center to post jobs and events to the Chamber website.
Our directory partners at ChamberMaster/GrowthZone have created video tutorials and information sheets to help you use the directory.
Click on the resource links below to access these: